Activist Admins, Ambiguity Increasing, and Spiritual Warfare
How many people connect this? Is “Chaos is a ladder” (H/T G.O.T.) out in the open, in plain sight? Yes, yes it is...

I have often touted the institutional wisdom of the military (I’m ex-military), in the battlefield orientation / theatre of operations orientation known as “situational awareness.” And this has (thankfully) permeated much of the society at large to help folks understand the importance of being aware of your surroundings and circumstances. 360° awareness. The “reading of the room” or other situations / locales. And of course, listening to your gut. Above all these days, listening to your gut. Such awareness gives you an edge if things go sideways – if things ARE sideways. Thing is, many do not have situational awareness because they’re completely cut-off from their intuition, their gut. And these folks don’t “See” things as being sideways (inverted). Such is our dilemma.

I have long tried to make this orientation my way of life. And for the most part, I’d say I’m successful. I take to Heart the phrase, “I protect that which matters most” (H/T “Seraph” from “The Matrix Reloaded”) and try to remain vigilant (and discerning) in these times of utter insanity. War footing. Gray Man. Since 2020. Part of this orientation came to me by way of my professional acumen and disposition for many years – as a digital analyst. I’ve spent many years becoming adept at what I call “surfing the Gestalt” – consuming large and varied amounts of information / data and synthesizing it. There was a time – in the (my) heyday in the large NYC advertising agencies - when this skill was highly regarded, and I was also considered a highly skilled digital strategist due to the knowledge (strategic intelligence) I often had at my disposal, or could develop in short order. Now these skills – like so many others – are considered commodities – skills that anyone with access to a Web browser – who calls themselves a “thought leader” (*cough*) – or just graduated from college / university – can bring to bear for an organization. As in all things corporate now, people (and their “skills”), are considered “better” if they are younger, “fresh,” cheaper, and compliant. Experience is considered almost a liability – no matter the ridiculous “wish list” job specs these days. This is also known as age discrimination. It’s just cleverly veiled in the Human Resources and Employee Relations modus operandi as “cultural fit.” Such is the complete subversion of meritocracy in our world – the Professional Managerial Class (PMC) - the communitarian / technocratic / totalitarian / fascist / globalist – choose your flavor(s) – foot soldiers (unaware or not) – have completely compromised most corporate, institutions, and government echelons – but particularly the corporate H/R and E/R departments.
They are the “gatekeepers” and make sure that only the “bureaucratic hive mind acquiescent” (dare I say woke?) are hired or promoted – or terminated if you don’t drink the proverbial Kool-Aid. It’s ironic that we used to laugh and make jokes about those who “drank the Kool-Aid” because we always (rightfully) associated these types as ass-kissers, as brown-nosers, as ridiculous and demoralizing liabilities. Now this is a highly prized and sought-after job “qualification” and requirement. Now it’s an overtly desired attribute and an inverted “badge of honor.” Kool-Aid drinking – and its promoted (programmed) evolution – is more sinister than we ever gave it credit for. It morphed into widespread institutionalized subversion (e.g. ideological subversion) with things like Agenda 21 / 2030, U.N. SDG, ESG, DEI, CEI, JEDI, CLL, CRT, CGT, etc. etc. etc. A top-down strategic framework for rendering employees and populations subservient, demoralized, compliant, and complicit – complicit in their own serfdom – their own oppression and slavery. Such is the power of the corporate paycheck and the leverage gained by having people (and nations) in oppressive and sometimes catastrophic debt. A strategic framework for subversion predicated upon usury. Gee, I wonder what group of individuals and organizations are perpetrating this? Hmmmmmmm….
I first learned of “Ambiguity Increasing” from the superlative independent journalist, Lara Logan, when she was speaking about “The Fall of Afghanistan” in 2021. And I immediately thought of another, albeit pop-culture reference made by the character, “Littlefinger” (“Lord Baelish”) in “Game of Thrones,” when he was speaking of the opportunities afforded in the (his) salient lesson, “chaos is a ladder.” It’s hard NOT to think that the ever increasing insanity – especially ramped up since C0NV!D-18+1 came on the scene – if not since 9/11 – if not since the murders of JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcolm X, Fred Hampton, etc. – isn’t purposeful battlespace strategy. It’s just too contrived, flagrant, ubiquitous, pernicious, pervasive, and incessant. And with a completely captured media landscape – legacy / mainstream or otherwise – it’s easy to see how the “chaos,” the “ambiguity” is purposefully perpetuated, promoted, and increased. And the “battlespace” is now – as was always – the hearts, minds, and Souls of the (USA and Global) domestic population(s). Foreign enemies or combatants not required. “Divide and conquer” is old hat – though still very, very (frustratingly!) effective. “Ambiguity Increasing” is now the evolved and top-down master strategy. If you can constantly keep people guessing / confused, keep them stressed-out and anxious (fight-or-flight), keep them ungrounded from their “reality,” get them untethered from their “comfort zones,” then manipulation becomes easier-and-easier. My, my, my, doesn’t that sound familiar? Like “enhanced interrogation” (torture) similar? Hmmmmmmm….
In certain schools of thought – in an aspect of Spiritual assault or energetic attack (Spiritual Warfare) – our own thoughts / feelings / emotions can be “weaponized” against us. This is to say that if you don’t know yourself, your own mind+heart+body+Soul+Spirit very well (Temet Nosce), then you’re susceptible to many forms of interference, attack, and manipulation. And you may very well be largely unaware of these things happening. Many are familiar with an aspect of this lack of critical awareness by way of the prevalent, widespread Spiritual Bypassing of our time – and / or cognitive dissonance.
Much of our world currently “operates” like this – with great, covert, psychological / energetic / spiritual assaults and manipulations. Psyops upon psyops. Pyops within psyops. Nested. Nested crimes within crimes. And much of this is also Energetic Warfare and / or Spiritual Warfare. Propaganda + Controlled Opposition + Limited Hangouts + Predictive Programming / Revelation of The Method + False Flags + Fascist AI Technocracy + Ubiquitous Surveillance + Transhumanism + Experimental Genetic Alteration + Censorship, Shadow-banning, Deplatforming + Weaponized “Healthcare” + EUAs and (DoD) OTAs + Iatrocide + Nanotechnologies + The Internet of Bio-Nano Things and BioDigital Convergence + Synergistic, Military Grade Frequency Weapons + Geoengineering + Microplastics + Forever Chemicals + “Shock & Awe” / Live Streamed War & Carnage + Genocide + Rampant Pornography & Pedophilia + “Celebrated” & Promoted Depravity + Factory Farming + Central and Fractional Reserve Banking + “Too Big to Fail” and “Too Big to Jail” (Two-Tiered Justice) + Billionaire “philanthropy” + Transnational Oligarchs + Corporate “Personhood” + Public Private Partnership (P3) + Increasing Clown World Politics + Behemoth Asset Management Firms + Bought-and-Paid-For Governments + Incredible, Unfathomable Corruption + Bought-and-Paid-For NGOs and “Institutions” + Bought-and-Paid-For Organized Religions + MK Ultra + Compromised “Social Justice” and “Activism” and “Movements” + Agents Provocateur + Deep Pockets (e.g. Big Pharma) Advertising + Hollyweird + Black Magick + Brujeria+ Shitana + Wetiko + etc. etc. etc. = Great Evil = Energetic and Spiritual Warfare.
This is to say that your thoughts – if perturbed enough – agitated in certain ways – with certain energies – your thoughts / feelings / emotions come to synergistically resonate with those energies (e.g. thoughts, feelings, and emotions) – and you can become victimized (again, interfered-with, assaulted, manipulated) by those energies. This is why deep, authentic Shadow Work is crucial. Best not be blind-sided by the aspects of ourselves of which we are in denial – and can be energetically (Spiritually) hijacked.
When we come to understand the connections – when we come to connect the dots (pattern recognition), these things are NOT isolated. “Activist Administrators” – the bureaucratic hive mind – e.g. the PMC – are merely Orwellian and Kafkaesque “instruments” of implementation of a dystopian architecture of a long desired societal framework (i.e. NWO). Many don’t even realize it – that they’ve been hijacked. “Ambiguity Increasing” is the DoD (and Globalist) master plan (and universal atmosphere or genius loci) that allows-for a society to be completely subverted – because many of the the citizens are completely “untethered” and irrational - and (purposefully) disconnected from their body+mind+heart+ emotions+energy+Soul+Spirit. And the “deployed weapons” are numerous, ubiquitous, and varied – but Energetic and Spiritual Warfare are the essential, primary modus operandi of this global assault on humanity (and Nature).
Lastly, when we take a step back and actually “See” what has transpired over the last several years – what IS transpiring – the level of wetiko, the level of evil – Spiritual Warfare becomes obvious. To what ends or end are all these immense, egregious crimes being perpetrated? Is there a “big picture?” Yes, there is. And it will take a great many of us to “See” it – “Mark” it – and “Clear” it. We have our “Work” cut out for us – but don’t forget – we “Signed-up” for this! And the obvious presence of evil is all I really need to know (“See”) – need to comprehend – to orient myself (and my Beloveds) accordingly. Do “they” (does “it”) prefer Civil War over Revolution? Slavery over Freedom? Transhumanism over Nature? Death over Life? Perhaps. But no matter what, what is called-for, what we are called to do, is use our situational awareness, discernment, courage, and GREAT FAITH to do what is absolutely necessary – for ourselves, our Beloveds, future generations, Nature, and G-O-D Himself / Herself. Forgive the somewhat cliché Spiritual platitude, but it is spot-on; “We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for.”
The Breath, Great Servant, and Hammer of R-A-M-A and S-I-T-A
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A Handy (Powerful) “Clearing” Mantra - Play it in your spaces on “Loop” if required
And another Powerful Clearing “Loop” worth having in your “tool kit,” your “arsenal”