May 31Liked by Barry Fleming

Hello, Barry! I followed your link from Fakebook to here. Very interesting article. As I read through the eight signs of Corporate Sociopathy, I found myself repulsed and feeling guilty at different moments as I saw myself in some of them from when I was involved in the corporate world years ago.

It’s not a happy idea to know I was very much heading down that path of being a type of enforcer for the globalists, even though it has been years and my mind broke through the cognitive dissonance and apathy. Your words bit my humanity and forced me to see how easy it is for even someone like myself to lose sight of who I am and what I stand for. I knew what government was. I knew what that bastion of capitalist globalism created. I feel the need for a shower.

I need to meditate and clear my mind.

I like your writing style here. It spoke to me without seeming like someone was trying to reach above my head and tell me I was lesser. I feel a little unsettled by it, but that also means it’ll stick with me. It makes me wish I were a great strategist. Capable of seeing all the chess moves on this huge board of a world, and knowing which to make to create the desired outcome. Thank you, I guess.

Maybe the meditation will help.

I’ll be back.

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May 31·edited May 31Author

Hi Bob! Thank you so much for your thoughts and I sincerely appreciate your mention of my "style." I am trying to stick to writing that is based upon and largely grounded in my own personal experience - my own FLAWED and stumbling thinking - and my process (Spiritual Path?) in trying to improve that thinking AND myself as a human being. I was so stupid and naïve for so many years, that I feel I need to somehow "make up" for lost time. Writing to me is always a catharsis and a very personal endeavor. I'm happy that a few of my words resonate. Really appreciate your taking the time to write them - they're the encouragement I need! They make me feel less alone. Thank you.

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This article / interview / book launch bears mentioning again: https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/dangers-ai-hiring-firing-employees-focus-book/story?id=108890705

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Great essay. "Compliance Training" is just the latest form of globalist indoctrination. For me it started at Ford Hospital in 1985 when they began "Diversity Training" -- which foresaw the mass employment of immigrants. Today Ford Hospital is majority foreign workers: from doctors to nurses. Then in 1998 they started pushing out copies of "Who Moved My Cheese" during a period of mass employee displacement. Then more recently corporations have embraced DEI -- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion -- which brought back even more discrimination against White and Legal Citizens. The bottom line is we are in the midst of "The Great Replacement" as 12 to 22 million Illegals have invaded our country. And if you read my essays in reverse chronological order it is clear we are being displaced by Illegal Immigrants. To be clear this has been primarily driven by the UN's migration policies that have largely pushed Mass Fundamentalist Muslim Immigration. Most of these new Muslims do not share our values: the US Constitution, Bill of Rights etc. Ultimately it is all about a push for a One World Government: the WEF's Great Reset. In short our Corporations and Federal Government is selling us out.

Here's my own latest essay. We must wake up immediately to stop the Globalist Agenda.

I'm not quite sure where this essay is going but I'm basically reflecting on some essays and videos that I watched and read today. One essay that intrigued me was "The Werewolf Game" that discusses good and evil tribes that evolved about 5000 years ago. Then there is David A. Hughes book, “Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy: Volume 1. But before discussing these I want to first discuss good and evil in a larger historical/cosmic context. In order to best understand this essay I highly encourage you to access the video and articles that I reference. They are all just a click away.

Good Vs Evil: Anti-Globalists Vs Globalists

In order to maintain some semblance of good it is imperative that the people of planet Earth unite


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