i would restack this a million times if i could. Instead i restacked it here... and went right on the fuck ahead and reposted it to LinkedIn 😆 at first linkedin would not let me post the link. i had to try an alternate way of sharing it, but it wound up working. 😎 this message needs to be spread far and wide. thank you.

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Thank you so much for the engagement! When I was unceremoniously bounced from LinkedIN in early 2021 (and then Twitter / 'X') - due to posting conflicting info from the C*D*C and the W*H*O regarding the ridic R*T-q*PC*R (45c*t) - the ridic Cor*man-Dro*sten "protocol" - I lost approximately 50 articles and article backlinks (articles published on other platforms). Thankfully, after fighting with them - I was able to secure an archive - so I can re-publish elsewhere. A tedious requirement. Grrrrrrrrrrr. As I related in another comment to you, I was just terminated from a Fortune 5 (and the Agenda 2*1 / 20*30 / U.N. SD*G, ES*G, DE*I, CEI*, etc. PM*C) for "violation of our code of conduct" (*cough*), so this article revisit was timely. Appreciate your support!

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